Monday, May 23, 2011

Scenic Tour

This winter we had record snowfall on the mountains surrounding Spokane and it is now melting and turning into record water levels in the Spokane river. Here are some of the sights I saw while on a little bike ride yesterday.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Ack I'm behind on this blog. So behind, in fact, that I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by the thought of trying to catch up. So...I won't really try. Here is a photo essay of some of the prettier things that have been going on.
Heavy Machinery
Moving a massive pile of dirt

Bloomsday with the Ladies
Sporting Bloomsday Shirts
Bloomsday Shirt and Bright Red Hair

Getting ready for eggs

Yard Work- tools
Irrigation and Garden Beds



starts moved outside

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May oh May

May has kicked off with a turmoil of activity over at our homestead. Dr. H and I completed a 12K race here in Spokane called "Bloomsday" (Dr. H ran, I walked in my new minimalist shoes), we jump started our composting system, our worm bin is up and running, and our chickens are happily pecking at dirt in their run. My vegetable starts are steadily growing and we have a batch of homebrewed IPA fermenting in the closet. It has been a long time coming, but I think Spring may actually be in sight...