I am brand new to this blogging business (though I'm apparently a genius at alliteration), and I'm guessing the standard protocol for opening a new blog is to spend the first post introducing oneself. So here goes: My name is Autumn (you probably figured that out from the name of this site). I'm the happily married mother of one cat and a rather unruly garden. My dear husband (heretofore named Dr. Husband or Dr. H) has recently entered his indentured servitude as a family medicine resident, leaving me, the cat and the garden with plenty of time to do the things we like best. For Monty (the cat) that generally means lounging in the sun, grooming, and attacking small bugs and toilet paper rolls. The garden amuses itself by producing far more zucchini than I can possible eat, and I amuse myself with crafting, music-ing, and cooking. Just for fun I hope to soon throw in the odd day of work (anyone know of a good job opening in my area?)
So why, you ask, have I decided to write a blog? Well mostly because I found pretty backgrounds, but also because I'm hoping this will be a good way to let me friends, family, and countless adorers know what I'm up to. In this blog I intend to write (gasp!) about my days, and more importantly, post pictures/videos of things that I have made. If you like anything you see, well then, I have a treat for you! One of my pages will soon possess a link to my brand new etsy shop. In addition to selling my wares (a girl's gotta eat), I will also generously post some free tutorials, recipes, templates and helpful tips. So stay tuned!
Autumn, This is WONDERFUL!