Well.... it had to happen someday, but I was hoping it wouldn't come so soon. My sewing machine is kaput. More accurately, it has lost its ability to sew even stitches without eating the fabric. Sew.... (haha get it?) I guess I'm getting a new machine. In order to make this purchase possible, I have a proposition for you: for a mere $25, I will make you one of these beautiful and functional wallets. I have a variety of fabrics and colors to choose from in my fabric stash, and should you have a specific color request, I can always go out and buy some more fabric to make your order. All I need is for 4 people to decide that they can't live without this wallet. With only 4 orders I will be able to purchase

a rather mediocre machine that will enable me to make fabulous stuff! Or, if I decide to just go ahead and buy the better machine I'm drooling over, 4 orders will help make the decision to spend more relatively painless. AND you get a beautiful wallet. Seriously, I carry around both of these, and I get tons of compliments.
So.... let me know what you think!P.S. Here is (soon to be) my new sewing machine. I'm super excited. If you are in the market, this machine is almost identical to the Janome DC2010, and it is fabulous!
I'm In!!!