Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Conference-ing and New Career

I'm a sailor! I sail! Well...drive actually. As part of the EEAW (environmental education association of Washington)  conference this past weekend, I got to drive a 60 foot research vessel through the Puget Sound. Talk about awesome! This was by far my favorite part of the conference, even though I live in the good ol' Inland Northwest where this particular skill will not really come in too handy. It really made me want to spend more time on the water though, and we have plenty of that around here. It is just in the form of lakes and rivers, so a huge boat like this one might be a bit overkill.

Strangely enough, it took traveling over to the west side of the state for me to get some sunshine. It has been cold and rainy here in Spokane for far too long. Poor Dr. H was stuck working this weekend and didn't get to join me in lovely Poulsbo. This is a cute little Norwegian town that I like more and more each time I visit it. It is small and cute and just gorgeous with views of the Olympics and the Cascades. Who knows, after our stint in Spokane, Dr. H and I might just go Viking!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! I Missed this post! So cool. I want to drive a big boat too!!! You can come down here and drive our 14' dinghy around. It's a lot more like swimming then sailing though.
