Monday, April 4, 2011

A Spring in My Step

Hello Spring Break! I'm enjoying my cold and drizzly week off by getting my butt off the couch and out into the garden. This weekend Andi and John (fellow chicken Co-op members) came over and let us help install John's beautiful chicken coop. It is super fancy. Dr H is very happy to have the stinky Dixie Chicks finally living outside.

I spent my first official day of spring break working on creating a cold frame to get an early start on some of my more tender veggies. A cold frame is basically a mini greenhouse.
We have also purchased some steer manure for my garden, and are now the proud owners of a wheelbarrow. (Call me crazy, but I think there is something so grown up about owning your own wheelbarrow. ) Next up on the the agenda is renting a rototiller (!) and getting down and dirty in my kitchen garden. I want to put my potato, onion and garlic sets in the ground by the end of this week, and hope to have some pea and kale seeds in the ground and ready to grow. Yay Spring!


  1. Ahh Spring is coming! You two have been "cooped up" a little too long!

  2. Maybe i should have said. Go Autumn Grow! Go Autumn Grow! I like the sound of that one!
