Monday, August 29, 2011


This Saturday Dr. H and I dug up all of the potatoes in our little potato patch. All 50 pounds of them!
One of three 10 gallon buckets full

This is a smaller potato
I can't believe they grew so well! All but about 5 pounds are currently curing in my basement. The rest are being eaten while their skins are still tender. Yum!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


This season of abundance has me totally inspired. I spend my mornings strolling though my garden, one hand holding a cup of coffee and the other flecked with soil. This morning, I brought along my camera.

Garden Blooming

Chickens and Eggs
Fruits of My Labor


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dirty, Sore and Happy

Am I crazy people? I'm thinking the answer is YES. This past weekend Dr. H and I participated in the Dirty Dash here in Spoklahoma. For those of you not in the know, the Dirty Dash is a 10K obstacle course with lots of mud pits. SO. MUCH. FUN. I can't remember the last time I was that dirty (or this sore). We signed up for this race on the Thursday before, and I spent two days trying to get my mileage up to be able to complete the 6.2 miles of the race. This was rough as I usually max out at 3 miles, but the race was totally worth the effort!
Check out that MUD!

 For more pictures of me and Dr. H, head over to Here and Here.  

Monday, August 1, 2011

Summer = Cherries

Last weekend Dr. H and I spent a lazy Saturday tooling around farming country gorging ourselves on cherries and strawberries. We picked a ton of each, and now have some of these gorgeous jewels tucked away in our freezer for the colder, less colorful months ahead. We also spent some time at home cooking up some delicious food with our bounty. We made strawberry shortcake on Saturday and have been eating it every night since then.
Cherry Gazing
Rainier Cherries

Dr. H in the Strawberry Fields
We took home two of these bad boys