Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January-Stream of Consciousness "Poem'

Here is a silly stream of consciousness poem I wrote last night. I like to do this as a writing exercise. I choose a theme, and then write whatever comes into my head about that theme. That's it. No rhymes, no iambic pentameter, no form, really. Just random thoughts. Most of the time they are really silly, but it doesn't matter. It is just a warm up - like singing scales. 
This particular stream of consciousness poem has only made it onto this blog because of the odd photo I found below. I found this shot while browsing through this weeks photos. You can't tell, but this is a shot of some rather delicate icicles hanging on the leaves of a vine. I tried to use my flash, and this aura-ed globe is what I got. It reminded me of something... Something I had written in my little poem.


thick with ice and heavy air                    
cold days and weak light give 
                               way to dazzling night
thick ringed moon hangs low 
with weighted load                       
time for sleep and 
                                gathered strength 


  1. Love the poem Autumn. Keep doing that. It's the exercise I was doing when I accidentally wrote This Moment In Time.
