I awoke this morning to snow covered trees, a bright blue sky, and frigid temperatures. It is 3 degrees outside right now, and that is officially the coldest temp I have ever experienced (for now). As Dr. H left for another 30 hour shift today, he said, "Happy last day of 2010." This got me thinking, "What did I do in 2010?" While the whole world is focusing on what they want the upcoming year to be like, I would like to take a few minutes to reflect on what has happened in my little life this past year.
2010 in a nutshell:
Dr. H and I lived in Portland, OR; Orange County, CA; Atlanta, GA; and Spokane, WA all in 2010.
We drove up and down the West Coast, visiting Napa wine country, Monterey Bay, Portland, Seattle and finally Spokane.
We traveled all over Western Europe, Spent a couple of weeks in NYC, visited friends in Boston, and looked for bears in Glacier National Park.
Dr. H graduated from Medical School
I earned my Masters degree
We grew our family with the addition of Monty the cat.
I went both skiing and snowboarding for the first(ish) times ever.
I both applied for, and got in to graduate school, and made the difficult and very grown-up decision not to attend.
I grew my first vegetable garden, and made plans for big improvements on this years garden
I wrote a bunch of songs, painted some pictures, and did a ton of crafting this year
I helped put on Dr. H's big graduation/birthday bash
I helped organize a major fund-raising event for a local environmental group
I searched and searched for a job, and when I found out the job I want doesn't exist here, I went out and made myself a position.
***"Designed the landscape plans for my aunt's back yard and did some very heavy duty construction projects like; rototilling, rock wall building, flower bed building, tree planting, sod laying, flagstone path making, and slate floor tiling" :) Thanks Aunt Molly
All in all, 2010 has been a pretty full year. Now I just need to figure out an appropriate way to celebrate the closing of this year, and the dawning of the next.
What were some some of the major events of your year?
Very impressive Autumn! You have been a busy girl! Don't forget you also designed the landscape plans for my back yard and did some very heavy duty construction projects like; rototilling, rock wall building, flower bed building, tree planting, sod laying, flagstone path making, and slate floor tiling.....to make it happen. It was a very major project and I love it!!! Boy you really took it easy this year!
ReplyDeleteI love this. I'm very impressed by everything you did this year and am inspired to write out my list too :-)
ReplyDeleteGee thanks! Yeah, I do need to add " designed and landscaped a whole backyard." That was fun!