Wednesday, January 5, 2011


How unique of me to decide to kick of this year with some resolutions. Truly a novel idea. My only claim to originality is that I am not making resolutions for the whole year. History shows us that most resolutions end up being very short lived- so, I am only going to make short term resolutions. I am hoping that by putting these up on here, I will give myself some accountability. It is easy enough to blow off a promise made to myself, but it is bit more difficult to blow off a promise made with other people's knowledge. So here goes:

Short-term resolutions 2011

1. Renew my yoga practice (or...since yoga is expensive, renew working out to pilates video)
2. Get better at snowboarding
3. Make it out of the house at least once a day. Harder than you may think when I don't have anywhere that I HAVE to be, it is freaking freezing, and the roads are crap.
4. Start a worm bin :)
5. Do one thing out of my comfort zone.
6. Learn one song on the banjo
7. Go to at least 1 meet-up group.
8. Go to the winter farmers market more often

 Longer term goals

1. Get our finances in order (ie pay off all credit card debt. Shouldn't be too hard once I get a freaking pay check.)
2. Grow a huge veggie garden
3. Create a great composting system

That's all I can think of for now. It is only January, and I am already itching to get back outside and work in my garden. The kitchen and my taste buds having been missing fresh veggies. Ah well... I'll console myself by making some delicious winter stew.


  1. This is a lovely list! It leaves me with two questions:
    1.) WHen I come visit, can we go snowboarding?
    2.) What is a worm bin?

  2. Answer 1: Yes definitely.
    Answer 2: a worm bin is basically a little worm habitat made out of a rubbermaid bin. The purpose is to harvest the worm "castings" (ie worm poop.) for use as fertilizer for my garden.

  3. Hooray! Worm Poop is our new band name.

  4. Ok funny! I double dog dare you guys to play a concert as Worm Poop! Also inspiring resolutions Autumn...go get em!!!

  5. great goals- I've got similar ones! i especially love the get out of debt one. we cut up all our credit cards and just have my school loan to pay off (and of course, my mortgage.) i can't wait to be freee of debt! i second you on the yoga thing too. and we did buy a compost bin, which was totally out of character for me.
