Just when we thought winter's deep freeze was settling in, we got a glorious reprieve in the form of a warm front. This last week we had temps consistently over freezing, and even enjoyed a beautiful cloudless day around 50 degrees. Dr. H and I used this warm spell to begin running together. To be honest, I do a lot of walking on my "runs". But that's okay! I've got over 3 months to get up to 12K to be ready to run in the annual "Bloomsday" race. And even then, if I feel like walking a bit, that's fine. I'm not competing after all...
Now the cold weather has returned, and we have a fresh dusting of snow on the ground. It is beautiful, but I am missing the greenery. I have an amaryllis bulb just beginning to sprout some leaves. With any luck I will have a beautiful flower up and blooming long before spring thaw.
Oh here it comes! They are fun to watch grow, they shoot up fast!